011: 432MHz, 1296MHz, 2400MHz GaAs FET/HEMT LNA (tribute to JH1UGF)

 マキ電機のJH1UGF槇岡さんがsilent keyになった(Feb.2018)。マキさんと言えば、先ずプリアンプのケース/キャビティが思い浮かぶ。特に80年代にはUHF低雑音化を指向していた自作派ハムを確実に支えていた要素の一つだったと思う。日本では他にこれといった定番キャビティが無かったからすっかりデファクト化し、無線雑誌のUHF製作記事の再現性を大きく担保してくれた。だからあの時代にUHFやっていた人はマキさんのキャビティを必ず何個か使ったのではなかろうか。

 無論自分もその一人。机の引き出しからUHF用の自作プリアンプを引っ張り出してみたら全部で10数個。その半分はマキさんのキャビティケースを使ったものである。その中で使っているデバイスも3SK97(松下)、MGF1200(三菱)など初期型GaAs MES FETからFHX35LG、FHX13(富士通)など高性能HEMTまでバラエティに富んでいて、それだけ長い期間このキャビティにお世話になったという証だ。


JH1UGF/Hiroyuki Makioka of Maki Denki passed away (Feb.2018). When talking about him, a cavity/case kit of a UHF preamplifier is imagined almost. I think that kit was one of the elements with which the technological hams who pointed UHF DX-ing were being supported certainly in particular in 1980 's. There weren't other kits such as this in Japan. So that should be a standard completely, and I think it has secured us reproducibility of a UHF making article of a radio magazine tightly. I think the person who was doing UHF activity in those days used some of Maki's case certainly.

I was the one of them of course, too. I opened a drawer at a desk and drew my home made preamplifiers for UHF out. More than ten of LNA’s were found altogether, and the half used Maki's cavity case. Used device has a variation. 3SK97 (Matsushita) and MGF1200 (Mitsubishi) of early GaAs MES FET are used, and HEMT of FHX35LG and FHX13 (Fujitsu) are also included. That's the proof that JH1UGF’s UHF cavity/case was loved such a long period.

I think it was 1979 that I met him for the first time. Mr. Makioka explained a loop antenna to me technically at a corner in a small store in Kawasaki. His friendly smiling face makes an impression very deeply.



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