015: 50MHz SSB/CW tiny transceiver (SA612A and 2SC730) /part 2


・GainとNF: 合計130dBほどのゲインを持つので、一般の小型トランシーバと比べて見劣りすることはない。RFのSA612Aにエミッタフォロワを付けたことで5dB、フィルタ後ろのLマッチで15dB、ST22トランスで10dBそれぞれ底上げされており、これが全体感度維持に貢献している。SGとミリバルでYファクタをチェックしたところ、MDS(検出感度)は-131dBm(-18dBμ/EMF)と良好な値が得られた。これを雑音指数に換算すると、オーバオールで9dBとなる。


・イメージ比: 受信イメージ比は25dBしか取れていない。ANTでもう10dBとして、それでも35dB。当地は25MHz周辺に強い信号が無いので、現状そのままとした(万一問題が生じたらフィルタを追加)。



・スプリアス:第二高調波はLPF減衰極無しだと-50dB、有りで -65dB。三倍以上はスペアナダイナミックレンジ内には見えない。37MHzのLo漏れは当初-50dBだったので、直列トラップ付けて-65dBを確保した。

・DC12.0Vにて、受信時(無信号) 30mA、送信時最大 275mA (SSB無信号時 115mA)。終段コレクタ電流 185mA max. (効率η=45%)

【重量】 本体403g(電池含まず)

【周波数レンジ】 CH1:50.178~50.248MHz、CH2:50.248~50.318MHz、可変範囲は計140KHz。

・グラウンドウェーブのか弱いCW信号を、NF2.5dBのレシーバと聞き比べてみたが、特に遜色は感じなかった。地上通信では背景雑音が高いからそれも当然で、雑音指数9dB でも実用性は十分にある。




The performance of the completed transceiver is as following. Because there was no RF amplifier in the front end, I had a little anxiety about the receiving sensitivity. But I found it’s good enough consequently.

【receiver】 The receiver has 131 dB of total gain, so it isn't inferior compared with other transceivers. Y factor was checked by millivoltmeter and SSG, and it was revealed that MDS (minimum discernible signal) was -131dBm (-18dBμV/EMF) of good level. And the calculated noise figure based on that was 9dB overall. If the AF volume is set to around 30%, the AGC will start to work when the RF input signal reached +20dBμV. The AGC dynamic range seems to be only 40dB or so, a strong signal is heard loud, and a weak signal sounds like whispering. But it was ordinarily possible not to be conscious of AGC control in the actual QSO, so I think this easy AGC is acceptable. The receiver’s own image ratio is 25dB. Antenna will give another 10dB margin, but the whole image compression is only 35dB. Because there isn't a strong signal and noise on 25MHz in this area, it was left just as it is. (If QRM occurs, I will put an additional filter.)

【transmitter】 The output power is just one watt (instant power change is possible down to 0.1watt for my QRPP test). Carrier suppression is 50dB, Opposite side band suppression is also 50dB, and spurious level is excellent. The secondary harmonics is -65dB. No other spectrum can be seen in the dynamic range of my spectrum analyzer. Leakage of 37MHz LO signal was -50dB at first, so I added a series resonant trap to get more 15dB margin.

【Battery current】 DC12V 30mA while receiving, 275mA at most while sending (it’s 115mA with no signal on SSB), collector current of the final transistor 185mA max. (45% efficiency)

【wight】 403g (battery is not included)

【frequency range】 CH1: 50.178~50.248MHz、CH2: 50.248~50.318MHz、total range of 140KHz

【summary】 I heard weak domestic CW signals using a receiver of NF2.5dB and this transceiver, but a big difference wasn’t found in particular. Background noise is high in case of ground wave communication, so maybe this is natural. I think 9dB NF is practical enough for portable operation. Transmitted audio is VYFB. The sound of medium range comes out nicely, as the photograph of IF filter passband indicates. This rig was considered exclusively for portable use, but I think it can be used enough for ragchew as a main rig of home. CW tone is clear, and full break in operation is also nice. I think it became one of my favorite rigs. Manufactured in Aug./2020 as a commemoration of JA0IXX 50th anniversary since 1970.




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