006: 432MHz EME (earth-moon-earth) contacts


I thought that I might hear the signal of the Moon echo with my small 4 Yagi of 432MHz that I raised for satellite operation. At first I calculated the Moon orbit with HC20 of EPSON, and I was luckily able to catch a strong echo from Germany (DL9KR) and Austria (OE5JFL) via the Moon on the schedule weekend of May, 1984. Because the S/N of the received signal was more than I expected, I understood that my home made system worked well, and my brain seemed to be completely fascinated by EME. I concentrated an ear for the moon on the schedule weekend of every month while improving my antenna and the pre-amp. On the weekend of October of the year, after calling DL9KR who was particularly strongly coming in on the day, there was a reply immediately and the first contact was established. Because it was small output of 100W over here, the receiving ability of DL9KR/Jan was really splendid. It may be said that it was the first QSO succeeded by the ability of his receiving system. As this was the first QSO in Nagano, the Matsumoto club gave me commemorative shield for the initial EME. I got the license of official EME 500W afterwards, and I made contacts with approximately 50 stations in total by the end of 1993.





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