003: 144MHz TEP between Australia/Japan

 サイクル21の終盤となった1982年秋、ある日の夕方に6mと2mをワッチしていると144.1MHz付近で小刻みに震える歪んだCWが聞こえる。それはCQJAを打つVK4IRだった。すぐにコールして559/559でレポート交換。そのあとSSBに切換えて55/51でレポート交換。QTHはWeipaとのこと。こちらは出力10W、アンテナは水平偏波10ele八木アンテナだった。VK4ZSHはその翌年1983年春に2m TEP目的のペディションを行った。QSLはその時のもので、彼の2mビーコンを捉えたら6mに降りて連絡を取り、次に2mでレポート交換、そんなスタイルの正に通信実験であった。

It was the evening of the day autumn in 1982 which was in the final stage of cycle 21. When I was watching 6m and 2m, I found a distorted CW signal with strong flutter on 144.1MHz. It was VK4IR/Arthur calling CQJA. I called immediately and exchanged a report 559/559. And changed to SSB just after and the report was 55/51. QTH was announced to be Weipa. My rig was 10watts and the antenna was 10 elements horizontally polarlized yagi. VK4ZSH/Steve went on 2m expedition for TEP investigation in the spring of 1983. The QSL is it. If I catch his 2m beacon, soon I go down to 6m to makes a contact, and next go up to 2m again to exchange report, it was just a radio experiment.





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