008: QRP operation rack (ham radio diorama)


 製作した無線機類が増え、整頓の仕方や置き場所が悩みの一つになっているが、この程度のtiny rackなら片づけるのも引っ張り出すのも簡単。イメージしていたジオラマには到底至らぬものの、「ミニラマ」程度にはなったかなと思っている。2018年製作
The size is W260×H260×D210mm

A small QRP transceiver is very easy to use even in our home shack. But when I try to add other equipment and use them like a system line up, a layout and a setup is troublesome. It's somewhat disordered, and I don’t feel comfortable. One day, when I was considering a small operation rack for my QRP work, I found the old plywood in the warehouse. That was just suitable for the material of the rack.

The DIY construction after a long time was mediocre. But my home brew equipment is set compactly, and that seems to be very good. A grip was put on the surface, and the LED array (12V260mA) and a small DC power supply were also installed, so it is very easy to use and QSO became comfortable.

It's simple for such tiny rack to put away and it's also easy to draw out again. It's far from ham radio diorama which I imaged, but I think it's something good that matches my feeling. It’s been completed in Jan. 2018.

The size is W260×H260×D210mm





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