009: Crystal test fixture


 ここに展示するシンプルな治具はK8IQYの資料に基づいて作ったもので、一対の50→12.5Ωの変換パッドとスルー可能な3dB ATTで構成されている。初めは4:1の伝送線路トランスを使ったが、9MHzや12.8MHzでは良い精度の測定結果を得た一方で、4MHzでの測定誤差が8%ほど大きくなってしまった。どうもトランスの作りに問題があったようで、低い周波数帯では正確に12.5Ωのインピーダンスにならず、やや高め(13.5~14Ω) になっている模様。結局、損失は多いけれど周波数特性の良い抵抗パッド方式に落ち着いた。

①入力にTG、出力にスペアナをつないでシステムを立ち上げ、水晶振動子の端子をジャンパーで短絡した状態でキャリブレーションをとる。(この時3dB ATT S/Wは3dB側にしておく) 







Crystal test fixture, Z(I/O)=50Ω, Load impedance of crystal=12.5Ω,Insertion loss=32dB, Useful frequency range is not precisely evaluated yet.

If you want to make an excellent ladder type of crystal filter for your new homebuilt rig, you had better measure the crystal to know its own motion parameter correctly. After you measure a series resonant frequency (Fs) and its 3dB bandwidth, it's easy to get a motion parameter by calculation. I’ve been measuring them directly with my 50Ω impedance system for years, but lower impedance environment is actually desirable to make measurement error at a minimum. It’s because the equivalent loss resistance of a crystal is very small.

The jig exhibited here was manufactured according to K8IQY's data, which consists of a pair of 50Ω ->12.5 Ω impedance pads and a switchable 3dB ATT. Before that, the 4:1 RF transformer was tried, and the performance was good on 9MHz and 12.8MHz, but measurement error increased up to 8% on 4MHz. It means the impedance is not correctly 12.5 Ω but 13.5 to 14.0 Ω, so I stopped to use it. (The inductance of the bifilar trans. (six turns on a ferrite core) seemed to be not enough for low frequency use below 5MHz)

Guidance of how to use this test fixture is omitted. I think it’s also unnecessary to show the actual procedure to calculate the motion parameters and the shunt or series capacitance of each type (Cohn, QER, Chebyshev, Butterworth) with the help of DJ6EV "DISHAL" software. Here I would like to show you a couple of filter samples which I manufactured recently. A very good passband quality is obtained without any “cut and try “process, and is reproducible. Therefore, I think this method is practical enough and useful for homebrew amateurs. Making is in 2020.

Crystal test fixture, Z(I/O) =50Ω, Load impedance of crystal =12.5Ω, Insertion loss=32dB, Useful frequency range is not precisely evaluated yet.




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