015: 50MHz RF low noise amplifiers(6BQ7A, 6AK5, and 3SK35)


①6BQ7A: 松本クラブの越水さん(JA0BBB)を、市内御徒町のご自宅に訪ねた際、「VHFのカスコードアンプならこの球が良い」とプレゼントして頂いた('70年夏)。製作した50MHz用第一号受信機でその球を使用し、感度自体悪くはなかったが、経験の浅い中学生の工作だから、不完全な中和に発振逃れのスタガ同調・・・あれでいったい如何程のNFだったのか・・・。

②6AK5(5654): 一号受信機のカスコードアンプは、gmの大きな6RHH2や6DJ8なども試したが、腕前未熟で自己発振を完全に止められなかった。そこで、次に作ったコンバータには五極管6AK5 (NHK松本放送局のプルアウトが入手し易かった)を使用した。これは定評通り安定に動作し、感度もFBだったが、今までNFを実測したことがない。

③3SK35: SSBは全固体でやると決め、その手始めとして製作したコンバータに使用('76年)したところ、中和せずとも全く発振しないし利得も取れるし、えらく感動した覚えがある。この東芝3SK35を、これまで優に50本は使ったが、単体NFを測ったことはなかった。


①6BQ7A/ 5.0dB: この値からすると、一号受信機のオーバオールNFは6dB前後だったと思われる。初歩の受信機としては、一応合格レベルだったことが分かり、長年のモヤモヤがスッキリした。

②6AK5/ 3.7dB: 思った通りの低雑音で、この球の実力と魅力を再認識するに十分な結果。

③3SK35/ 2.4dB: ゲイン最大に合わせてこのNFだから、ノイズマッチにすれば2dBまでは容易に下がると思う。50数年前、これが世に出た時の市場インパクトは、さぞかし大きかったことだろう。


These are RF amplifiers for 6m receiving. Each device was used in my home brew sets in the past.

6BQ7A: Koshimizu-san/JA0BBB a main member of MARC (Matsumoto amateur radio club) of my area recommend me this tube for VHF cascode amplification, and he gave me one as a present when I visited his shack in 1970. I made my first 50MHz receiver with it, and it worked FB even if its neutralization was not perfect and the RF tuning was staggered. I've been interested in how much its NF was.

6AK5/5654: Self-oscillation sometimes occurred in the cascode amplifier especially after I changed the tube to 6RHH2 and 6DJ8 of high gm, and it was my headache. Thus, I chose a pentode (used one was easy to get from my local broadcasting station) for my second work of 6m down converter. It worked very well and not only the stability but also the sensitivity was excellent. I've never measured the actual Noise figure of 6AK5/5654.

3SK35: After I made up my mind to build an SSB rig, soon I made a new converter with this dual gate MOS/FET in '76. It was very impressive, because high gain was easily achieved without neutralization, and no oscillation occurred at all. Though I used fifty pieces and more of this Toshiba FET, NF had never been measured up to now.

I phoned Takao/JA0BZC to borrow his tube preamplifiers to prepare for measurement, and next I drew a 3SK35 preamplifier out from my old transceiver manufactured in '78. The 6BQ7A QSYed from JA0BBB had been kept for a long time, and it was used this time after 45 years of sleep. The results are as following. The converter used for the test is 1.6dB NF with 36dB gain.

1. 6BQ7A NF=5.0dB : Calculating from this value, overall NF of the receiver seems to be around 6dB. I think it is good enough as a beginner's receiver, and I'm very satisfied to know it.

2. 6AK5 NF=3.7dB : This result was as expected, and is enough to re-recognize its high ability.

3. 3SK35 NF=2.4dB : This amplifier was tuned not for optimum NF but for the maximum gain. I imagine that the market impact was very big when it began to be supplied half a century ago. Actual BW (gain vs frequency) and IMD can be seen on the data attached.



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